1st Workshop and Exhibition on "Emergency Preparedness in the Petroleum Industry in Mozambique"
The National Petroleum Institute (INP), will hold a workshop on Emergency Preparedness in the Petroleum Industry in Mozambique, with the main objective to collect experiences and contributions of the various institutions and organizations, involved and active in the processes of prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and restoration, to develop the operating procedures in case of occurrence of an emergency (oil spill, well, explosion, blow out, etc.) in petroleum operations in Mozambique, both at sea and on land.
The event will be attended by government institutions, operating companies and service companies in the oil & gas sector at national and international level, entities that respond to emergencies in the oil & gas industry, consulting firms, civil society, academics, experts from the Environmental Protection Agency and Safety Authority for the Petroleum Industry in Norway.
There will be space for services exhibition consists of 10 stands, so it is encouraged companies providing services related to prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and restoration to emergencies for the petroleum industry, interested in exposing, to send their expressions of interest to send their expressions of interest to the following e - mails: abelina.chambule@inp.gov.mz , and Natalia.camba@inp.gov.mz , until 21st October 2015.