FLNG South Coral Floating Platform Reaches the Country

FLNG South Coral Floating Platform Reaches the Country

Maputo, January 03, 2022 - The day marked by the arrival of the floating rig "Coral Sul FLNG" at the Area 4 offshore Rovuma Basin. It is a plant with 432 meters long, 66 meters wide, about 220,000 tons and with capacity to liquefy 3.37 million tons of natural gas per year.

Following the baptism of the floating platform by the Head of the State, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, on 15th November 2021, in Goeje, South Korea, two months later, the production unit is already in the offshore area under the jurisdiction of Mozambique.

Thus a complex process of anchoring, surveys, inspections and certifications has begun, in line with the applicable legislation, with a view to issuing the operating licenses and, consequently, meeting the pre approved schedule by the Government for the planned start of production in the second half of 2022.

The arrival of this platform, in Mozambican territorial waters, on Rovuma Basin Area 4, is in line with the schedule approved by the Government of Mozambique, and is therefore a milestone in the project's implementation, for which a Final Investment Decision was made in June 2017, and the start of production is expected to occur by mid-2022.

The Coral Sul FLNG platform, which has just arrived in the country, was built by the concessionaires of Area 4, namely ENH, with a 10% participating interest, Eni, with MRV with 70%, GALP ENERGY and KOGAS, both with 10%.

Note that its construction, which began in 2018, took place in different operating centres across the world, with the main component being built at Samsung Heavy Industries' shipyards in Goeje Island, South Korea.

This project, which has an investment of approximately USD 7 billion, will produce and liquefy 3.37 MTPA (million tonnes per annum) of natural gas using resources from the South Coral reservoir.

For more information please contact the National Petroleum Institute, Rua dos Desportistas Nº.259, Maputo city, on 21248300 or 839511000 or write to comunicacao@inp.gov.mz.