The Government of the Republic of Mozambique, through the Ministry of Mineral Resources and the Instituto Nacional de Petróleo (INP) invites Companies to submit Tender Proposals (T1 to T7) for several new multi client projects offshore and onshore Mozambique.

The Government of the Republic of Mozambique, through the Ministry of Mineral Resources and the Instituto Nacional de Petróleo (INP), is pleased to announce that 10 companies have submitted responses to INP tender request for new multi-client projects offshore and onshore Mozambique.

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Moz Announces October 3RD 2011_Area 1

The Government of Republic of Mozambique trough the Ministry of Mineral Resources (MIREM) and the National Petroleum Institute (INP) and operators for the Area 1 led by Anadarko Mozambique Area 1, Lda (subsidiary of American multinational Anadarko Petroleum Corporation) announce that in the context of exploration activities and appraisal underway offshore Rovuma Basin, the exploration and appraisal well Camarão have provided high confidence that the Windjammer, Barquentine, Lagosta and Camarão complex holds at least 10 Tcf (trillion cubic feet) of recoverable natural gas resources.

O Governo da República de Moçambique, através do Ministério dos Recursos Minerais (MIREM) e o Instituto Nacional de Petróleo (INP) anuncia que a Empresa Italiana Eni, operadora da Área-4 da Bacia Sedimentar do Rovuma na Província de Cabo Delgado, fez a primeira grande descoberta de gás natural no prospecto Mamba Sul-1.