A fundamental part of projects of this nature is the fact that it involves workforce training and skills building to operate on the projects. This training will vary according to the need of the project as well as the required qualification levels. Training can take place inside or even abroad depending on the need.
Training and Skills Building
The project plans to build a Training Center in Afungi that provides for training the workforce in vocational technical areas for the Oil and Gas industry. Currently, the Training Center is under construction, and 230 qualified Mozambicans are getting prepared for training abroad. It is estimated the basic training of about 3500 nationals in Afungi and the training of 520 semi-qualified Mozambicans in the same place. Approximately 19,374,400 man/hour training for nationals will be required by 2020 as shown in the map below.
The project plans to build a Training Center in Afungi that provides for training the workforce in vocational technical areas for the Oil and Gas industry.
Read moreO Projecto tem como meta formar, directamente e por meio das suas principais contratadas, cerca de 800 cidadãos em 2037, após 15 anos de operações, baseados em dois pilares:
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