As the Regulatory Authority for petroleum exploration and production, ascertain that petroleum operations are conducted in accordance with laws, regulations and international best practices, with special emphasis on optimal resource management, health, safety and the protection of the environment.
- Generate proposals to MIREM on matters related to petroleum legislation and policy.
- Be in charge of all aspects of licensing, including promotion, negotiations and issuance of licenses.
- Have the competence and capacity to perform petroleum resource assessments prior to licensing and during exploration, development and production.
- Monitor and audit petroleum operations to ensure that the operators own organisations and systems are adequate for adherence with the goals and standards set out in the legislation, regulations, guidelines, agreements and in the operators internal standards and codes of performance.
- Take care of the national petroleum data including its collection, storage, retrieval and distribution.
- Provide information on activities in the petroleum sector to government institutions and the public.
- Have expertise, skills and systems to perform its tasks competently, efficiently and effectively.
- Achieve good co-operation with other Government institutions to facilitate efficient petroleum operations.
- Maintain active co-operation with relevant regional and international organisations on efficient governance of petroleum operations.
- Be updated on international trends and technological achievements that are important for petroleum operations in Mozambique.
- Have a working environment that attracts and retains the necessary qualified personnel for efficient performance.
- Achieve administrative, financial and legal status within the state administration commensurate with the functions as the Regulatory Authority for petroleum operations.