Mozambique Basin, Four Fields With the Highest Volumes of Gas on Site

Mozambique Basin, Four Fields With the Highest Volumes of Gas on Site

Descobertas na Bacia de Moçambique


Pande Field (Grudja 6), Pande-Temane Oil Production Contract (PPA)

This onshore discovery was made by Gulf Oil through the Pande-1 well in 1961 and subsequently evaluated by the appraisal wells between 1962 and 1966. The Pande gas field is located about 40 km northwest of Temane field and 80 km northwest of Vilanculos.

In 1989 and 1996 ENH carried out a campaign to evaluate this field through nine (9) wells. With the arrival of Sasol in 2000, through the Oil Production Contract (CCP) the drilling activities were followed up with a view to the development of the Grudja Inferior reservoir (Grudja 6, G-6), in the Upper Cretaceous. The reservoir is at a depth of 1100 meters from the sub surface. The length of the field is about 40 km oriented from west-northwest to east-southeast. Gas production in this field began in 2009, 5 years after the start of production in the Temane field (2004). For the distribution of gas there is a gas pipeline with an extension of 865 kilometers, which connects the Temane gas field to the Sasol plant in Secunda, South Africa. By the end of 2019, about 1.1 Tcf (trillion cubic feet) of gas and 1.8 million barrels of condensate were produced from the fields. The estimate of remaining recoverable reserves for this field is about 1.3 Tcf (trillion cubic feet) gas (according to estimates submitted by Sasol).

Temane Field (Grudja 9, 9A & 9B), Pande-Temane Oil Production Contract (PPA)

This discovery was made by Gulf Oil in 1957 through the Temane-1 well, but it was confirmed only in 1967 after the test performed in the Temane-2 well. The discovery was appraised through 5 wells in 1998 by ARCO. Between 2003 and 2007, Sasol drilled several development wells in order to reinforce the exploration in the area. The discovery is located about 30-40 km from the northwest of Vilanculos, and about 30-40 km southeast of the Pande Field.

The reservoir is of upper Cretaceous age (Formation of inferior Grudja, Grudja 9, 9A & 9B). The reservoir is at a depth of about 1300 m sub-surface. The extension of Temane Field (G9, G9A & G9B) is about 30 km oriented from North to South, and 25 km West to East.

Gas production in this field began in 2004 – thus being the first gas production field in Mozambique, 5 years before the start of production in the Pande field (2009). By the end of 2019 about 0.9 Tcf (trillion cubic feet) of gas and 5.6 mmbbl (million barrels) of condensate were produced in this field. The estimated recoverable remaining reserves is about 0.6 Tcf of gas.

Inhassoro Grudja 6 (G6) (Oil & Gas), Sasol Pande-Temane Petroleum Sharing Agreement (PSA)

This discovery was made by Gulf Oil in 1965 through the Inhassoro-1 well, but it was confirmed after drilling the Inhassoro-2 well by Sasol in 2003. The discovery was appraised at over 10 wells in the period between 2003 and 2007. The Inhassoro-6 well drilled in 2006 was the first to find light oil just below the gas. The discovery is located about 5-20 km east of the Temane field and the eastern end of the discovery is a few km from the coastline. The extent of the Inhassoro G6 discovery is about 25-30 km oriented from North to South and about 10 km west to east.

The reservoir is of Upper Cretaceous age (formation of the Inferior Grudja, Grudja 6, G6). The average resource estimate is about 0.75 Tcf (trillion cubic feet) of in situ gas, and 130 million barrels (MMBBL) of light oil at the site. The reservoir is at a depth of about 1200 meters from the sub surface.

The Inhassoro G6 was part of the PSA Development Plan area which was approved in 2016. In February 2020, Sasol submitted the updated Development Plan integrating discoveries of the areas of Inhassoro, Pande, Temane, including the Inhassoro G6.

Discovery Njika G-5C, G-5D, G-6 and G-6A (Abandoned), Sasol Block 16&19

This discovery was made by Sasol in 2008 through the Njika-1 and Njika-2 wells. The discovery is located in the Offshore region of the Mozambique Sedimentary Basin in the original area of the Concession Contract for Exploration and Production of Blocks 16&19. The wells are located about 25 and 30 km northeast of Bazaruto and 80 km east of the  Pande Field area.

The four reservoirs belong to the formation of Grudja, in the Upper Cretate, and have a thickness of less than 20 meters. The reservoirs are at a depth between 1200 and 1700 meters below the average sea water level. The reservoirs have an estimated resource (in situ gas) of about 1Tcf (trillion cubic feet). The water column ranges from 100 to 200 meters to the east and southeast and more than 700 meters to the northeast.

This discovery was part of the Block 16&19 Concession Agreement which came to an end in 2013 because the gas resources found were not considered commercial.