
Maputo, 14 de Dezembro de 2020 - O Governo de Moçambique, através do Ministério dos Recursos Minerais e Energia, procedeu hoje a divulgação do Nono Relatório de Governação da Indústria Extractiva respeitante ao ano de 2019. O relatório apresenta a reconciliação dos pagamentos efectuados pelas empresas que operam na indústria extractiva e os recebimentos do Estado, que inclui também impostos tributados no sector.

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Maputo, 1 November 2020-Mozambique is experiencing an unparalleled moment in its history, thanks to the discoveries of natural gas in the Rovuma Basin. This fact is raising great expectation amongs Mozambicans, but also, and above all, it should inspire and reinvigorate joint engagement around the new dynamic that the country is embracing.

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Maputo, 30 November 2020 – “The dawn of the oil and gas industry in Mozambique is an unprecedented opportunity at all levels of its value chain. By exposing our industrial structure to new technological devices and the impacts generated by them, our expectation is that there will be an inductive, dynamic and even aggressive process of knowledge appropriations”. This statement was made by Augusto Macuvele, Administrator at INP when invited to talk about the investments made in technology in the area of natural resources in Mozambique and its accessibility to Small and Medium Enterprises.

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