
23 November 2021 -The Sixth Licensing Round for the Concession of Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production Areas is launched this Thursday, 25th of November. For this purpose, 16 new areas were defined, distributed by 4 distinct regions, five of which are located in the Rovuma Basin, seven in Angoche, two in the Zambezi Delta and two in Save, totalling more than 92,000 km².

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10 de Dezembro de 2021 – Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), a Sasol e a Globeleq alcançaram acordo de investimento de na ordem dos 700 milhões de dólares para o projecto de construção da Central Térmica de Temane (CTT), na província de Inhambane.

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Maputo, November 15, 2021 The naming and sail away ceremony of the Coral-Sul FLNG platform into Mozambican territorial waters marks the culmination of a process that began with the discovery of natural gas in Area 4 of the Rovuma Basin between 2010 and 2014, followed by the approval, by the Government, for the implementation of the first natural gas liquefaction project in Mozambique, the Coral Sul FLNG Project.

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Maputo, 14 de Outubro de 2021 O INP está a participar de momentos que ficarão marcados nos anais da história da fase de construção da infraestrutura flutuante (FLNG) que possibilitará a extracção, produção e liquefação de gás natural e produção de GNL no país.

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